symbolic than it is literal. i don't think you have to get hung up on the idea of 2,000 miles of 50-foot wall. this is not the wall of the kingdom of the north. it could be drones in some places. it could be enhanced border security in others. it could be more agents at the border. it's about border security. neither the democrats nor the republicans nor the white house should get hung up on the semantics and what it means. i think they're going to reach a deal. let's remember, there is a deadline. not only is there a deadline, every day that goes by over 1,000 of these young people are losing their status and their ability to go to school, their ability to work. so, you know, this is not theatricaer ii ii iic -- theore >> part of the shame here, matt, people say they care about the people. we're not even talking about the el salvadorans. that was kicked to congress as if it was some kind of democrat