longtime partner steadman graham told a reporter from "the los angeles times" that she might absolutely run. so what are we to make of that? >> well, i think the fact she seems to have taken care to avoid politics throughout much of her career means she's built up something of a reservoir of good will, every move she made would not be granted with the typical cynicism you see voters grant a lot of politicians' moves with. she's have to take policy positions that will alienate people, that's true. but i think she'll be extended more of the benefit of the doubt based on her 30-year track record. her support for hillary, it was pretty muted. . she picked her spots. think that would serve her well. i don't think she would be greeted as a political hack just trying to get into the race for her ego like donald trump has been viewed. >> i want to circle back to an issue that will be huge in 2020 no matter who runs, immigration. how congress is using it as a