presented himself as what he calls a comic book character. that's the president's own words. so it's very hard to get more than a sketch of it. where wolff fails is where he offers details that he doesn't support well with the facts. or didn't reveal his sources. and i think that's a disservice to journalists. because what it does is, it opens up this crazy debate where someone could say, well, yes, we're on track for 2,000 lies and distortions. but this one particular thing, take the stock market, for example, i'm going to argue about that for five minutes so we all ignore the pattern of what's going on. this is a technique. it's like saying well, president obama lied three times. actually it's been fact-checked he's lied about four or five times a year. so, you've got one president who lied four or five times a year. and he did, this claim about keep your own doctor.