that mr. trump's relatives, campaign chairman perhaps and others cooperated in that, in a conspiracy to do that. we don't know that yet. we know the crime was committed. the question is, was it also committed by mr. trump? this is an enormous crime. >> you said -- >> you sound like a kid writing out his christmas list to santa. >> -- breaking into the computer system. >> you sound like a kid writing out his christmas list to santa like you're hoping that there's some collusion. there hasn't been one shred of evidence saying there was collusion between the campaign and some foreign entity in the campaign last year. >> simply not true. >> donald trump jr., jared kushner, paul manafort all met with russians with the stated intent of gaining from the russian government, as they were told in e-mails, dirt on hillary clinton. >> they took a 20-minute meeting that went nowhere -- >> george papadopoulos months before. >> wait a minute. jack, you don't actually believe they were meeting for an adoption program? you don't really believe that? >> i will agree with you.