trump camp. we don't know what it means. trump allies or whatever. that's fascinating they're alleging, and i don't know the truth about this, they're alleging there was a source inside the trump camp giving the fbi information. >> i think we have to look at it under the lens this is democratic opposition research of trying to paint a negative narrative about a republican president. it sort of says, hey, you need to look at this records, these things. they're trying to participate a different narrative. going back to who they were talking to during the campaign, whether the fbi was involved, we had an investigation that started in the middle of a campaign, apparently. and now a here and a half later, and we had senator feinstein say several times she's seen no evidence of collusion. there's still no signs of collusion, so what woo actually investigate at this point? >> go ahead. >> senator feinstein, i would