tequila, we did -- it was a very generous shot of tequila. and anderson slammed the whole thing. and i think this is kind of a little bit of a symptom of being on tour with me for three years. >> yes. >> because he is a bit of teetotaler. he doesn't really drink. but i feel responsible. >> kevin poured the shot. >> kevin poured for us three shots. >> and andy snuck in the tequila. >> i snuck tech will in. it is now my gift to the crew. >> and you had extra glasses too. >> i stole glasses from the hotel. yes. >> oh, really? nice. >> bill them to cnn. but i will say it was nice and chilled in this arctic thing. i'm telling you. it froze my pizza walking into the area. and it did chill the tequila very quickly. i did think that. i was like oh, wow. delightful it makes you want to stay in the one of the iceland hotels. >> tequila, actually by the way,