there have been international sanctions that have been put on it. think russia is trying to make this about the united states versus north korea so they can put more responsibility on the united states and more blame if something goes wrong. >> what about this "l.a. times" report where it says russia is also -- well, in this case, it could be russia is trying to pose as a diplomatic solution broker. russia is so involved in syria and the peace process, the u.s. isn't. china stepped in when it comes to leading on climate change. where is the u.s.? so many countries this interesting story points out believe that the u.s. is just backing away from the world stage as a leader. what do you think? >> well, just very quickly on this whole russia mediating in syria angle, it's the same thing as russia offering to mediate in north korea. russia is actively arming one side in the syrian conflict, the regime, and now saying that they're going to mediate a resolution to the conflict. it makes absolutely no sense. but on your question, brianna, the numbers don't lie and there was a recent pew poll that showed that just 22% of people