>> tito: this is my bass player and chef. >> anthony: okay good someone in the band who can cook, that's good. essential. ♪ >> all: salud. >> anthony: mollejas con guineitos, sautéed chicken gizzards and green bananas. >> anthony: wow that's good. >> anthony: codfish fritters. carne guisada, a beef stew cooking since the morning. traditional mofongo. >> tito: it's like, what we call our food, you know? and these guys do a nice twist to it. >> anthony: and you make a living as a working musician just on the island? >>ito: i do but i'm lucky. i'm like one of the few ones. you can play around the island but it's really hard to get heard. everything comes from the outside. the radio stations don't support local music. >> anthony: do you have any faith in your political leadership? >> both: no. >> anthony: every time i ask