i decided to stay because i wanted my kids to grow up here. >> anthony: better times? >> liza: better times of course. >> anthony: what changed? >> liza: the government took too much in loans. and couldn't pay them back. so they kept putting taxes on the people, the working class people like me and we cannot pay. >> anthony: like many professionals here, liza marie cordova would likely have an easier time of it in the states but she chooses to stay. >> liza: when the crisis came to puerto rico mostly i think about my kids. will they have the options to stay here and work and have a family? >> anthony: okay so where are we? >> liza: we are at casa vieja in ciales. this is typical 1960s 50s grandmother house. >> anthony: and the food is, grandma food? >> liza: it is grandma food actually. those are corn fritters with ham.