initial movement where they might try to -- this is something you solve with hillary clinton. they try to maybe bring in moderate republicans when there is a controversial republican candidate such as roy moore or with hillary clinton, donald trump. then maybe they don't see the level of enthusiasm they want there. so instead of trying to court new voters, they try to firm up traditional base support such as black voters. and this might be something that doug jones might have seen here in recent weeks as the polling has skewed back to roy moore after, you know, there was a few good weeks for doug jones there. maybe that is what he is trying to do now is trying to firm up this traditional base of democratic support in the state. >> yeah, but, kyle, he cannot win without the black vote there in alabama. it's just really not mathematically possible for him so he needs them to get out the vote. you did mention trying to court these moderate republicans and stuff. sarah, is it impossible for doug jones? because it seems like beyond the