can't commit obstruction of justice because he's in charge of all law enforcement. that is not a tenable argument. we would no longer have rule of law in this country if the president were utterly unrestrained to interfere in any way he chose in an investigation. >> all right, democratic senator chris coons of delaware. thank you so much. happy delaware day. i appreciate your being here. >> thank you, jane. president trump declaring jerusalem the capital of israel but will the announcement hurt the chances for peace? dan shapiro served as u.s. ambassador to israel under president obama. stay with us. hello, i'm an idaho potato farmer. you've probably seen me running all over the country in search of our big idaho potato truck. but not any more. i am done with that. ooh, ooh hot - just gonna stay home on the farm, eat a beautiful idaho potato, and watch tv with my dog...