credit for stuff they had nothing to do with. the inverse is true, they get blamed for things in the economy they had nothing to do with. classic is presidents getting blamed for gas prices. it has nothing to do with who is in the white house or the explosion of the s&p, and being better than in your lifetime -- >> this is the first president who took credit for the s&p 500. if it turns, will he own the blame? it can't go up forever. >> of course not, he'll blame somebody else. you can make the argument, if there is confidence, you can try to make the argument -- >> the animal spirit. the animal spirit. >> right. if it tanks he will walk away from it as fast as possible. you know he will. >> we have to leave it there. beckett, thank you so much for the time. a pleasure to have you this morning. >> nice to meet you. >> thanks for having me. happy black friday. >> same to you. >> american consumerism, yea.