stand up for the national anthem. the -- from minority groups where i think he has a little bit of a dog whistle there. i don't have proof of it, but i don't think he's entirely foolish. he knows what he's doing. if i can pick fights with unpopular people or people who seem to be like hillary clinton, you know angry because they lost, that's better than actually debating the issues. >> joseph, in your view, is it a racial dog whistle to go after? i mean he'll go after the ball father, but, i mean, greg popovich, nba coach has been very comfortable, you don't hear comments about him. steve kerr, et cetera. >> on some basic level you can't deny there is a racial component because there is a preponderance of the evidence there. i think there is a larger macro issue here, right? talking about an individual who is always ready to go after individuals who have a smaunl platform than he does. i think that is something that is much more, you know, indicative of this thing.

Related Keywords

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