americans in the driver's seat again. >> they hope this can be their big legislative win after failing to repeal and replace the affordable care act and president trump says republicans want tax cuts as a big and beautiful christmas present for americans but several republicans are voicing doubts about their very different senate plan which includes dissolving the obamacare individual mandate and bipartisan tempers flared. of course they did as the finance committee debated the bill on thursday night. >> it would be nice just tonight before we go home to just acknowledge, this tax cut is not for the middle class. it's for the rich. and that whole thing about higher wages it's a good selling point but we know companies don't give away higher wages. >> i've been here working my whole stinking career for people who don't have a chance and i recent anybody saying that i'm just doing this for the rich. give me a break. >> well, mr. chairman -- >> it's not true. >> i get sick and tired of the