we will get unity through reform. and if we don't have reform i don't think we'll have unity. so i think a lot on the shoulders on the commission, on the current chair of the party, and other party leaders to turn this into a grassroots party and not a party dominated by elites who are trying to rig the system behind the scenes. that's what we have to accomplish, brooke. >> i'm hearing you and hearing words about unity and reform and beating donald trump in the next election. and i am, frankly surprised. you gave your blood sweat and tears. i'm frankly surprised you are not angrier about this. >> oh, i'm angry, brooke, no doubt i'm not angry. but, look, ultimately at the end of the day you have to love the country more than you love whatever personal slight engaging in what's been leveled against you. and behavior the dnc engaged in was undemocratic and can't be allowed to happen again. but we cannot leave the country in the clutches of administration that is not only