victory because the charges against mr. manafort show no connection at all between russia and the 2016 campaign." why do you think president trump using his power to pardon would be such a bad move? >> don, first i have to say, it sounds so much better when you read it than when i wrote it. it sounded great. but seriously for a second, i think the president has an almost unreviewable power to pardon. the constitution only contains two exceptions to pardon, for cases of impeachment and state crimes. those aren't subject to the pardon power. other than that, the constitution contains no limits. but just because president trump can do it constitutionally doesn't mean it's a good idea. here i think it would be a disaster, actually, for our political system and the presidency for president trump to take the advice of some and issue blanket pardons because they don't like the way that mr. mueller's carrying out this special investigation. if people have gripes with the decisions mr. mueller is making,