donald trump? >> well, that's a large leap to make, alisyn. i just, i can't make that one with you. and so to taint donald trump with things that manafort did before the campaign win, i thins a leap too far. but listen, we're going to look at this full picture, and as you reported, we'll see what the charges are for manafort, but we'll also look at the campaign with regard to the dossier and the clintons, we'll look at uranium one. the whole spectrum should be looked at and i think americans should know, what involvement russia had in our elections, who were they partnering with or colluding, and what tools or techniques did they use to influence or change our election. >> yeah, but the fact that the chairman of the trump campaign today surrendered to the fbi, in terms of significance on scale of 1 to 10, you think that's what? >> i don't know yet. it depends what the charges are. but alisyn, let me tell you this. what concerns me the is leaks that happened. that cnn, and good for you guys for getting this story, it's a

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