is there any significance to the timing of this being released by a president who has been, to say the least, at odds with the intelligence community? >> not per se. i mean back when oliver stone made his jfk movie in the early '90s congress didn't want to grapple with this release issue so they booted it 25 years later and lo and behold it's today. trump had a decision open or close. for him, he's kind of at war with the cia and fbi so he doesn't want to hear their internal complaints about embarrassing information. it won't bother president trump any. he went to the side that's going to i think appeal to his base, which is release. >> why would it be embarrassing? just hypothetically speaking for the intelligence community? >> well, one thing i do thing for a living, meaning i've read a lot of cia and fbi files, and you're amazed what keystone cops they often are, misspellings of names, wrong locations, bad