a now infamous investigation of trump contacts with russians. >> it is relevant who paid for the dossier. it's much more relevant who relied upon it. my focus has been on whether or not the department of justice and the fbi relied upon an unsourced ci document to launch a counter intelligence investigation. >> and truth as redefined by the trump white house. even if there's video. and it proves you wrong, just say it doesn't. >> i don't believe that general kelly mischaracterized. he gave his account of what took place. >> just his account of what took place. now what is the big question in washington and across the republican party, after two scathing rebukes of president trump by leading senators of his own political party. the president chalks it all up to sour grapes and political weakness of senators jeff flake and bob corker he tweets this, the reason flake and corker dropped out of the senate race is simple. they had zero chance of being