voters said no thank you. we don't care what you think. >> our white house correspondent, mark, sara murray, is reporting according to a source, that the president is in high spirits right now because senator flake has decided not to seek re-election. >> right, doesn't it just fit the narratives that he loves chaos? he's created chaos. w saw steve bannon, caitlin collins reported than steve bannon was happy he got another scalp. you know, this isn't about politics. for everybody out there who says this is about democrats and republicans. this has nothing to do with that at all. this just has to do with what phil said, it's about the soul of america right now. it's about dignity. that's what we heard senator flake say today. it's not about health care, not about tax reform, not about epa regulations. it has nothing to do with that. it has to do with dignity. >> muffin more news coming up. stay with us. we'll be right back.