involved in what they called multiple casualties incidences. this official said the white house directed that the condolence letters then be september out, wolf. that's the explanation for the white house tonight as for why the letters were rushed out last week. >> interesting. thanks very much, jim acosta at the white house. let's get more on the breaking news about the ambush of troops in niger. jim sciutto was joining us, at the news conference at the pentagon with the joint chiefs chairman that ended a while ago. jim, new details, still, though, many questions unanswered. >> reporter: general dunford will to take all the hard questions and where he could answer, willing to answer including confirming that this unit was on its way back to its operating base when it came under attack. it was not freelancing, not following another mission outside of its original orders, but on many other basic questions, including whether the evacuating forces took the simple step of taking a head count to make sure everyone was accounted for. still no answer there.

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