a strategic flaw in their deployment? >> well, that's what we're going to find out with this investigation. you know i think it's important to remember, africa command is the newest of our nine combat and commands. it's got -- it doesn't have the resources as many of the other commands and they're still kind of finding their way in what their mission is and we're giving them a difficult mission over a tremendous geographic area. they're spread very thin. so although the numbers writ large might appear to be sufficient, when you take these individual operations like how many american troops are there in niger, if you look officially it's 100, 200, but you have others in the country, contractors, so it's very difficult, you know, to pin this down right now. i think the investigation is going to give us all those answers. >> all right. and they are legitimate questions, let's just be clear about that. barbara starr, retired colonel francona, thanks so much. two former u.s. presidents taking on the current u.s. president without naming him,