presidents, that he now accept responsibility for what he does. and he can figure out his own approach to how he deals with loved ones who have been lost in the field of battle. i can tell you this as secretary of defense, it was one of the toughest jobs i had. i used to write a written note to those that -- to the loved ones of those that lost someone dear in battle, and it was one of the toughest jobs i've ever had. so it's something that every president has to deal with. >> white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders sort of continued this today in a statement she said, quote, individuals claiming former presidents such as their bhosz called each family of the fallen are mistaken. i guess the issue here is is president trump using, you know, this most sensitive of subjects to both criticize his predecessor and essentially pat himself on the back? >> well, you know, it just -- it bothers me that a president of