time they pick up, it turbo charges the whole situation. that's why it's different from a hurricane. it never ends the way a normal natural disaster might. ryan, thank you so much. former white house chief of staff, reince priebus, was interviewed by special counsel, bob mueller, and his team in the russia investigation. we're going to talk with a member of the house intel committee, which is conducting its own investigation. what questions do they have, next? tic arthritis tries to get in my way? watch me. ♪ i've tried lots of things for my joint pain. now? watch me. ♪ think i'd give up showing these guys how it's done? please. real people with active psoriatic arthritis are changing the way they fight it... they're moving forward with cosentyx®. it's a different kind of targeted biologic. it's proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. don't use if you are allergic to cosentyx. before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis.

Related Keywords

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