creating a deal with iran where they were not be moving forward to create -- to acquire a nuclear weapon before we had this deal. we had no visibility. we had no insight into what they were doing. and what they -- and what they were doing with their nuclear capacity. now we do. the breakout capacity was two months, now it's over a year. we know exactly what they're doing because we have a monitoring mechanism. the problem with what he had to say today, there were a lot of problems. one of them was he didn't lay out any strategy, he laid out the history of iran. what most experts will tell you is that there is no evidence that doing away with the comprehensive deal that everyone says is working except for perhaps president trump is going to help us negotiate any of the other pieces, it actually hurts our leverage. he says he doesn't want congress to act, people have said he said that, now we're in a very risky place. there is a corker bill that is out there and that would violate the deal in itself. >> look, not surprisingly, jen and i have different viewpoints on this, right?