by 17 points. there are other battle grouped republicans in 2018 that are vulnerable that could get caught up in this. if the president doesn't figure out a way to work with his party to get to a point where they repeal and replace obamacare with something that people like, this squeezing of the insurance market and reducing of options and costs and the fact that things get less affordable unless they come around with a replacement is going to cause a world of mitt cal hurt. >> this is what's so interesting, chris, is that it may hurt some of the voters in the end. but he did run on this. and this is what he promised. this is what voters, so many of them, responded to. so it is this paradox. >> absolutely. he -- look, the guidestar for what most of what donald trump did is what did barack obama do and can we undo what barack obama did. this is the signature thing barack obama did. it literally has his name in it.