but it's also, frankly an abandonment of really serious work on the part of the president, to solve the bigger issues. there is no way in hell that for any other president, the nfl would be on the top ten list of problems in the white house. just no way. and this is the first time it's happened. we're going to have more of this. but i think it's part -- it's a game. it's a political game. it's a series of stunts to distract us. when, you know, this week, within 24 hours, it looks like, he's going to decertify iran and start us on a path that's going to be very controversial. we still haven't solved the north korea problem. he promises tax reductions or tax reform. where's the bill? he's dismantling the environmental regulations. he's got all these other things going on that are really serious for the way we live. and these other things that are just like, come on, guys. just like he ought to make it up with bob corker and get moving and deal with the serious