know what, i've been through the one before and the one before that so maybe i'm just going to stay put. how are you dealing with that? >> we're taking a very serious approach to it. anybody who lived through katrina understands that complacency kills. we thought nothing could have been worse than camille back in '69 and katrina taught us a very valuable lesson. nobody has forgotten that. whether it's category 1, 2, or above, we need to take the proper precautions, stock up, get ready for a long haul. plan for the worst and expect the best. >> what about the shelters. you mentioned lots of shelters. you've gotten the word out. are people already beginning to mobilize in some cases and start to fill up some of your shelters ahead of the storm? >> well, they can't into them until 2:00. we think there's ample time for that. a lot of folks will shelter in place if they're not in low-lying areas. our transit authority is going to be providing shuttle service, starting from 2:00 to 6:00 before the winds get too bad or