think of all the things that have happened since kelly took over. you talked about the fire and fury against north korea, he said that both sides were to blame in charlottesville over the violence. he stoked that nfl controversy. and then you heard, you know, about puerto rico and things like that. so kelly is a man that is known for tremendous integrity, but one source told us, for john kelly now, every day ends in why? why am i here? and others are saying, look, this is a tough job and you're not going to change this president. >> elise lavitt, thank you. now i want to bring in david road, and political commentator david swirdleg. that's a good question. why she said he keeps asking himself, why am i here? why is he there? >> i think it is service. he thinks he can stabilize the situation and has been trying to, but again, this is donald trump.