was pretty method cal and just trying to plan out what was the best way to get the highest body count. >> that's just something that you carry around, right. >> no. we said from day one what's he doing with this stuff in his vehicle? i mean, you don't just buy it and leave it in your car and then drive around in las vegas with it with tannerite. >> yeah. >> i mean, we've seen what that can do. that will create a nice little crater for you. >> we received more stunning video today of the shooting. first as we look at it, what stands out to you and second, how will law enforcement use all of these videos to help in training? because they have to be using these. >> yeah. i mean, we have -- they have so much video to work with. they've got the hotel video from the hallways, from the elevator, from the entrance to the hotel. they have all the amateur video. they have the venue video. they've got a lot to work with here. we're going to get an incredible amount of detail when they pull this whole montage together and they build that mosaic of what