they didn't particularly care for me being there but they definitely knew who i was. >> inside the cia headquarters building people were whining and bitching about all kinds of things, the fbi this and that. they have a job to do, just like we do. we clearly had a serious problem. >> now i get all my briefings and i learned i had over 300 cases in the cia where cia employees had failed its counterintelligence polygraph. that means you had 300 potential spies in the cia that had never been resolved. at the time if you fail a cia polygraph, nothing ever happens to you. alstrj aims failed the pallograph several times and nothing was ever done. when i came in, i put a stop to that. i had my own polygraph examiner. we ordered our own tests and we basically said you're going to resolve this or you're not going anywhere. we had to resolve it one by one.