communities. when it comes to food, if you want to walk a couple miles, you will be able to find some food here. >> anthony, you are not going to survive long on just ritz crackers. thank you for the work you're doing to connect families. we know they are appreciative here states. we will get answers for you as soon as we can. anthony gonzalez pena, thank you for being on. >> thank you so much. big numbers of resources but obvious and huge examples of need. it raises a very obvious question. is enough being done? are the supplies getting where they need to be? are the logistics right? is the manpower right? we will talk with puerto rico's governor next. easier. except when it comes to retirement. at fidelity, you get a retirement score in just 60 seconds. and we'll help you make decisions for your plan... to keep you on track. it's your retirement. know where you stand.