it to discuss in and other issues. they're trying to figure out a resolution going forward and we're learning they're still trying to come to a consensus as the committee considers whether or not the issues subpoenas to force these two officials to come forward and let them know about exactly what happened with the comey firing, wolf. >> thank you. mano up on capitol hill. joining us now, democratic congressman jim hines of connecticut. congressman, as you know, senator mark warner says twitter's presentation today from his perspective was deeply disappointing. was deleting 200 or so russia-linked accounts an adequate response from your perspective? >> yeah, hi wolf. i don't think so. i wasn't in the room with senator warner, i'm on the house side obviously, but i take him at his word, mark is a thoughtful and fair guy and i've seen on my side of the capitol, the house investigation we've encountered a lot of resistance from twitter in terms of producing information and documents that we want. and wolf, i think this stems