violation last year. >> laura, roger stone testified before the house intelligence committee today. he spoke to reporters afterwards. let's take a look at it. >> i think what's happening here is that the special counsel will try and manufacture a crime and then say, look, manafort we won't prosecute you for this if you simply admit you were colluding with the russians and donald trump knew everything. >> what do you think of that, what he said? do you think that manafort will turn on the president? >> well, it remains to be seen. what he's alluding to is this a type of witch hunt where mueller is trying to have a self-fulfilling prophecy come through by having the most leverage against paul manafort and use that leverage to, you know, make up evidence in the collusion investigation. but it sounds like this isn't a witch-hunt. it sounds like there is an investigation that's based on trying to go through many rabbit holes and based on the conduct, at least in part financially of