and so on, well, you can't define when i'm going to exercise my first amendment. now, can something positive come from this? sure it can. because now we've got the spotlight on racial injustice, police brutality and what have you. what has this president said or done since getting in office on a prior basis when you ask black america or african-americans what do you have to lose? we have a lot to lose because he hasn't focused on the underlying basis for the protests. he could do better in that regard and lead that effort, but we won't because his core base isn't with him on that. >> scott, chris, jason, thanks, guys. appreciate it. >> thank you. coming up for us, right now, voters in alabama are ighitting poll in the race putting the president's base i don't know in an awkward position but funny president. president trump's former chief strategist steve bannon campaigning against trump's pick to fill the senate seat of jeff sessions. one of the races you need a flow chart, but it's exciting. we will go live to alabama and i will explain.