>> there's no you're crazy. get out of my face. >> you're crazy but i kind of like you. >> it was about ideas and let people digest it with their own argument. it was refreshing. >> it really was. that's not the way the washington, d.c. has been working. that was a good moment. deeply disagree on the issues. >> nobody called an s.o.b. who would have thunk it? >> will there be a vote on gr / graham/cassidy? >> i'm not sure that mitch mcconnell will want to put something up for a vote that doesn't have the support. based on the folks who are a no and the options that are available to them to mullify both sides. if they do anything to target collins and murkowski at this point, rand paul will be even more staunchly a no. then you might lose folks like ted cruz and mike lee. i don't think the cards are