>> announcer: this is cnn breaking news. welcome to you in the united states and around the world. this is your "new day." it's wednesday, september 20th. 8:00 in new york. we are following two deadly natural disasters. you have hurricane maria now making landfall in puerto rico. it beat up the u.s. virgin islands. it's now a category 4 storm hammering the island with all of the rain and the wind and the storm surge yet to come. the eye of the storm about to go over san juan. we are getting our first images. take a look at your screen. this is from a storm chaser mike taoeus. >> just incredible to see the streets turn to rivers. more breaking news at this hour, the death toll soaring to 216 in mexico after a earthquake rocked the mexico city area. dozens of children are reported missing at this hour. the deadliest earthquake to hit