next few days, and i hope nobody thinks to delink the issue of eastern ukraine from crimea. the ukrainians are our friends, our allies. we should be supporting them, and they are on the front lines of defense of europe. what happens in ukraine could potentially happen in the rest of europe. >> congressman will hurd, thanks for joining us. >> always a pleasure, wolf. just ahead, vladimir putin keeps a very close watch on new moves by russia that are making nato nervous right now. we're tracking a powerful new category 4 hurricane at the same time. when will maria hit land and where. stand by. a new forecast coming up. 2017 clearance event,ng te you can do endless online research about the ct6. or you can come in and have it all for less than you might imagine. don't wait. our 2017 models will be moving fast. you can drive a car. or you can drive a cadillac.