virtually all of them relying on generators to meet the needs of residents under their care. jake, speaking of those generators, we took a look at some florida inspection reports. of course, these facilities are inspected by the state on a regular basis. i'm going to read to you from a february 2016 report. "the emergency generator, which is a temporary generator, had not been replaced, nor had plans for a permanent generator installation been submitted." then in december 2014, "when tested, the remote alarm -- the remote generator alarm located near the nurse's station failed to function." in other words, an alarm for the generator. "if not maintained, the emergency generator may fail without the staff being aware." now, these two violations, the state says, were corrected pretty soon after the violations were cited. jake? >> elizabeth cohen in hollywood, florida for us, thank you so much. the president hosting chuck and nancy for dinner at the white house this evening. what political deals might be on the table.