things falling down. i wanted to go out and look around and really it was just blowing too much to walk around. also, people who were owl in the elements, it's not just water. for sara getting hit with salt spray. that's the worst. the we know that. but just the pressure and water, our eyes were burning too much to sleep last night. i don't know if you saw, chad, but what you were worried about with the storm surge, it came true in naples. we didn't have to worry about it flooding us here about three quarters of a mile from the water but those homes inundated with water. so many people we were talking to last night don't know yet. they heard my whole areas is flooded. so the light of day is going to be a horrible wake-up call. chad, stick around. we're going to have so many questions for you throughout the morning. thank you so much for your excellent guidance to this point. let's check in with the current state of irma. you're going to hear a lot of past tense. it is incorrect. it is very much still ongoing