that was the secretary of health and human service, tom price. one aspect of this is how do you deal with the sick and the needity who are power-dependent in a storm that may knock out power. that shows the granular level. let's bring in dave halstead, former director of state emergency management here in florida. do you like what you're hearing in terms of coordination and management top down? >> i do, but i like it the other way. you talked to the congresswoman. it starts at the local level. you hear the message, you hear the message consistently, you hear it across party lines. then you go to the state level, governor scott leaning way forward. next it will be up to brock long and the fema team to back up anything we can't provide here in the state of florida. what i see is a term certainly right now looking like they're very unified. >> here is the problem or the challenge or the reality, however you want to put it. you can only prepare for so much. if this is what it is expected to be -- and again, never in the