people to be unconstitutional and illegal. and he's going to defer it now for a period of time so that the program can be wound down, but what happens in court? what happens if the state of texas, for instance, decides to go into court anyway, saying that this is unconstitutional? and should be struck down? how does the justice department defend in this situation when sessions himself said daca is illegal? i think the justice department boxed itself in and, two, i think, the one bit of hope i hold out is that people still have an opportunity to stay in this country and there's an escape hatch the trump administration could extend this wind-down if they wanted to, if congress can't immediately come up with a solution. >> we shall see. someone is trying to get in. i'm not sure who it s. it's me. >> go ahead. >> you know, it's all well and good to talk about wound-down as if this was some clock.