the first request, the president sends a request to congress. as pointed out earlier, first crisis of his presidency not of his own making. the empathy factor, response, making people feel he's engaged and will be a leader throughout. the more important one, can he deliver? made a bold promise yesterday. you're get help and get it quickly. we'll see if that happens. has to get something through congress. estimates ranging from what i've seen, $30 billion to as much as $100 billion to rebuild houston. year's long process and will be judged whether he can deliver that means getting things through congress. building relationships and making sure it doesn't get caught up in politics. >> the advantage for him, who he is, interested in building or rebuilding is sort of a natural fit for him. i think when he is engaged on something, which we haven't seen on a lot of policy, he probably can get pretty into that and make connections with for instance, democrats who will be happy to help on this.