will they keep focus? at the moment, from the administration's response to the particulars of this in the past 72 to 100 hours, bipartisan, good grade so far? right? >> people seem to say they have what they need. the biggest of deals at this point. what we saw in previous disasters of this kind maybe a disconnect between washington and the ground. what people really needed and whether requirements can, what they were and what was able to be delivered by state and local authorities and by the feds. not seeing that yet. all indications are the team president trump has in place in the administration a lot of areas of the government haven't hadn't fumy staffed up and don't have the expertise they need. those dealing with this disaster do not appear to be one of them. at this point they don't have any pushback. the challenge is going to be given that the storm is continuing, whether they can sustain that in the days to come. that's the big unknown that as mary katherine said, the president may have a risk of getting out in front of.