no. they have confidence in elaine duke, acting secretary to oversee this. ghs oversees fema. we'll hear from press secretary sarah huckabee sanders here again in the next hour and will keep you updated on anything she says. like you said, jake, this is the first natural disaster test for this administration, and as you know, this can be a defining moment for a lot of presidencies, as it was with george w. bush. we'll keep you updated on anything the white house has to say as the storm progresses. >> kaitlan collins at the white house. thanks so much. what is the opposite of a gold standard when it comes to dealing with natural disasters? perhaps the brown standard, or browny standard. take a look. >> again, i want to thank you all for, and browny, you're doing a heck of a job. the fema director is working 24 -- [ applause ] >> yeah. he was not doing a heck of a job. that was not how you would describe the job he was doing. president george w. bush a few days after hurricane katrina