his applause lines and rally his base and then obviously what you see when he is reading from a teleprompter, completely a hundred percent different. and i think he can talk about unity all he wants but it has to be backed up by action and it's like i think that so many people, that's why his poll numbers are in the 30s. they watch him say things like love and affection but you don't believe those words because when he tweets, all he does is tweet sin ults. i don't want to see our party interfighting. he's got to unite not only the country but the gop to get his legislation passed. >> he hasn't talked to the senate majority leader since this contentious phone call on august 9th. and apparently they're not going to meet until labor day. on the polls, specifically, yes, his approval numbers are down. but 60% disapprove, the quinnipiac poll out just a little bit ago, when it comes to the president's response to the violence in charlottesville. 60% disapprove, compared to 32% approve. that's not good news for the president. >> listen, there's been relentless media spinning it. >> whoa, whoa, whoa. no spinning it.