live. look, they're shutting off the cameras. we're on live. it's either he's divorced from reality, he doesn't care or he's just a flat out liar. scott, come on, brother. i mean, what is -- what are republicans going to do? what do this is crazy. >> well, i hear what you guys are saying about the speech and i'll just be honest with you. the speech i saw tonight didn't look all together that much different to me than the campaign rallies of 2016 that led up to him winning the election or the rallies of 2015. >> big difference, scott. he wasn't the president of the united states then. hold on. i'm going to be more presidential than any other. >> you're talking about tossing a guy out of office who isn't any different than he was. he hear you, he's the president now. >> why should we be surprised? when someone shows who they are, believe them. everyone who said he's just