people who voted for trump and why and not all economic frustrations of white people are based in a desire for ethnic cleans cleansing and superior races. that's not every trump voter. >> s.e., that's on the extreme, and i never said that. what i'm saying is this is an opportunity for america to really reckon with its history. so you may not have voted for a neo-nazi, but you voted for someone that wanted to jail the central park five. we're from new york. we know who he is. we know him putting cs on people's applications. we know what he said about mexicans. we know what he said about women. we know what he said about barack obama. this is not new. this new shock is ridiculous. >> we have two of the central park five we're talking to in a little bit, just on, obviously, their point is, why are people surprised. this is the man that they saw several years ago. but danny, i want to make sure i get you in on the conversation, just because you're far away, i want to hear from you equally. just obviously, your thoughts,