"ghosts of jim crow, ending racism in post racial america," and cnn presidential historian douglas brinkley, the author of "rightful heritage, franklin d. roosevelt and the land of america." so glad to have you on to get perspective about this. douglas, let's start with you. you saw brianna keilar's story. president trump has a troubling past when it comes to race. given that history, were you surprised that his original statements over the weekend that they were so weak? >> i wasn't surprised. i mean, we've talked a lot, don, over the past year how he's one part you know george wallace, donald trump. he's got joe mccarthy in him, gerald k. smith, father coughlin. he beats a fascist drum often and annever wants to criticize anybody on the alt-right. he sees them as his foot soldiers. he does it only reluctantly and he tried to my mouth it over the weekend and it didn't work. the public's outraged. august 12th is going to be marked as a time when the name