>> so a very measured suggestion there, richard. and i think, margaret, a lot of people in the trump administration should share this, maybe you can't tell it from president trump's rhetoric, but when you have him going from fire and fury to then locked and loaded, is he taking some of that diplomatic possibilities off the table? does he either get himself into a situation where he's going to look weak, or into a situation where he feels like he has to take action that could end in something that is ultimately catastrophic? >> you know, brianna, this is going to sound counterintuitive because when i saw the latest tweet i thought, whoa, but there's another way to read it too which is he's still saying the u.s. is ready to act if north korea does something unwise. so the president is not talking about initiating action at this point. the president is talking about the possibility of responding to action, and that is really important. and when you talk across the administration to a spectrum of